Both of these efforts have helped shift the transportation system in the area to provide zero emission alternatives.
Our most recent efforts have supported the development and activities of the EV Advocates of Ventura County and the Ojai Bicycle Safety Team.
Our Story and Accomplishments
The Club and our people have helped promote all forms of alternative fuels and championed the adoption of Electric Vehicles and Bicycles as transportation including adopting Electric Bicycles and related emerging rides.
More details will be added when appropriate.
The Sustainable Club started out in 2003 as a response to the Oil Wars and a clear need to free ourselves from our dependence on fossil fuels. We started in Santa Monica and built our network and area of activity to stretch from Long Beach to Santa Barbara and from Downtown LA and up to Pasadena. The Club used a fuller name - The Sustainable Transportation Club and built up a mailing list of over 1400 people with contacts across the country and on three other continents.
The main center of activity shifted to Ventura County in 2010 and became more focused on the local area moving forward.